“How to get rid of joint pain that is bought on by cold and rainy weather.”

With autumn now approaching and the temperature starting to drop, you may hear a lot of people complain that their bone and joint discomfort worsens. This is a common statement around this time of year. This change can be due to a drop in barometric pressure.

rainy day

How does air pressure relate to joint pain? When there is less pressure on the outside of the joint it allows the swelling inside to increase just a tiny bit. This extra swelling can be the difference between a good day and a bad one.  Air pressure tends to drop even more when it is raining, so cold wet days often feel the worst.  

A hot bath or heat pack married with a good anti-inflammatory cream is often enough to ease the symptoms, but if you find your aches and pains are overstaying their  welcome then your best  treatment is, of course, a few sessions of physiotherapy.

The Role of Physiotherapy

Patients with arthritic or wear-and-tear  disorders may benefit from joint mobilization, electrotherapy,  hydrotherapy and muscle strengthening exercises. Localized, specific massage techniques can also break up the ’rust’ from the joint, greatly reducing the pain.  When done together, these techniques not only reduce the swelling and inflammation in a joint but they loosen it up, giving everything more room to move. This extra space means that the joint does not ache as much, even if the weather outside is cold or rainy.

The Role of Exercise

Moderate, regular exercise has been proven to aid in the prevention of arthritis and joint stiffness, and offers a host of benefits to  sufferers.  Exercise can reduce joint pain and stiffness, builds strong muscles around the joints and increases flexibility and endurance.

What type of exercise should I be doing?

  • Water exercise- such as aqua aerobics or swimming laps—especially if done in a warm pool. This non-weight bearing exercise provides the fitness without the joint pounding associated with land-based activities.
  • Tai chi, yoga, and stretching will help to get you looser if done on a  regular basis
  • Pilates will help to strengthen your core muscles and make sure that you are balanced. When your muscles are balanced your joints will move properly, minimizing the wear and tear.
  • Walking or light jogging, depending on your body’s general condition and specific problems such as knee or hip wear-and-tear.

Please contact us if you have any queries, especially aches that appear as the weather cools.

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